Grantee Institution:
Harvard School of Public Health
How does Medicare assess and make coverage decisions for new medical technologies? First, the researchers conducted an in-depth descriptive and multi-variate explanatory analysis of 100 CMS coverage decisions over the past 12 years. They then compared Medicare's processes and decisions with those of other health technology assessment (HTA) organizations. Specifically, the researchers examined 6 key questions: 1) What technologies has Medicare formally assessed in the past decade? 2) What are the key determinants of Medicare coverage decisions? 3) Have coverage decisions been consistent with evidence of societal cost-effectiveness? 4) Have the same technologies been assessed by other HTA organizations? 5) What "best practices" for technology assessment surface from an investigation of key technology assessment organizations in the U.S. and abroad? and, 6) What role can cost-effectiveness play in future assessments in the U.S. (given data limitations, multiple societal objectives, and likely political opposition)? The objective of the study was to inform decision makers about HTA processes and to reveal "best practices" about technology assessment as they consider whether to cover new medical technologies.