Grantee Institution:
Georgetown University
As part of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act of 2002, Congress created a new, refundable, advance-payable health care tax credit. This tax credit can be viewed as a small-scale demonstration of health insurance tax credits as a way to expand coverage more broadly. This project examined five aspects of the tax credit. It: 1) described the qualified coverage options established in every state; 2) explored the reasons why states decide to establish different coverage arrangements; 3) examined enrollment statistics to determine the impact of state coverage decisions; 4) explored the availability of data on state-based coverage programs for evidence that premium subsidies reduce adverse selection; and 5) reviewed available data on people who claim the tax credit and the premiums they pay. The purpose of this study was to provide policymakers with objective and timely information that will help them monitor and understand the early operations of this program.