A Reuters Health article featured recently published findings by HCFO researcher Ateev Mehrotra and colleagues. In the Reuters article, Mehrotra cautions that the rise in the prevalence and use of retail clinics may challenge the continuity of care desired in the medical home model. Specifically, the researchers found that patients who visited a retail clinic for a minor health problem were less likely to visit their primary care doctor on their next visit for a new simple acute condition.
[1] http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/01/us-retail-clinics-idUSBRE8A01GS20121101
[2] http://www.hcfo.org/publications/retail-clinic-visits-and-receipt-primary-care
[3] http://www.hcfo.org/topics/access
[4] http://www.hcfo.org/topics/acute-care
[5] http://www.hcfo.org/topics/costs-and-cost-containment
[6] http://www.hcfo.org/topics/organization-and-supply-care