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Improvements in State Health Outcomes: State Public Health Systems Performance and State Health Department Responses to America’s Health Rankings
The primary purpose of this study was to understand how states respond to AHR through hearing state’s perspectives on AHR; to ascertain the extent to which AHR is utilized for strategic planning and other purposes; to measure the value of AHR to states; and, to explore how AHR could be made more meaningful to states. This study entailed a mixed methods approach, comprised of qualitative face-to-face and telephone interviews with key informant (KI) in selected states and a web-based survey of the 50 state health officials (SHOs). Dr. Erwin collaborated with colleagues in the Colleges of Nursing (Dr. Carole Myers) and Social Work (Ms. Gail Myers) at the University of Tennessee to conduct this study. Findings of the study are now in manuscript form and will be submitted for publication this month.
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