The HCFO program ended in December 2016.
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The Treatment of Dying Medicare Managed Care Patients: The Role of Social and Economic Factors
What is the cost and utilization of services during the last two years of life for Medicare managed care patients and fee-for-service Medicare patients? The researchers analyzed data from provider, beneficiary, plan benefit, prescription drug, clinic and office encounters, and laboratory and x-ray services database files for the managed care and fee-for-service populations. Patients who disenrolled from United HealthCare's Medicare managed care and returned to fee-for-service were also studied. Major causes of death such as cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], chronic heart failure, stroke, and dementia were analyzed for utilization and costs. The researchers addressed the following questions: 1) What are the costs and use of services associated with end-of-life care for major causes of death? 2) For the major causes of death being studied, how do cost and treatment patterns in end-of-life care vary according to area resources and financial arrangements? 3) What are differences in the site of death of Medicare managed care patients for these three major causes of death? 4) How does continuity of care vary among managed care settings? 5) What are the economic and other factors that determine continuity of care? 6) What is the cost of prescription drug coverage for end-of-life patients? 7) What is the appropriate of prescribing and dispensing for the five study conditions? 8) What economic and socio-demographic factors explain differences across areas in end-of-life prescribing? The objective of the project was to guide administrators, legislators, and providers as they make decisions about end-of-life care.
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