The HCFO program ended in December 2016.
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HCFO to Host Webinar Series on Leveraging Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions for Health Services Research

For health services researchers seeking to address questions related to health care financing and organization, public/population health, comparative effectiveness, and disparities, mHealth tools can provide a cost effective means to move beyond the usual reliance on claims data. These devices can be used to collect and work with information on patients’ characteristics, communities, experiences and outcomes, as well as data on providers and delivery systems. New tools are highly effective, efficient, flexible, affordable and ubiquitous - and readily usable, regardless of technological "savvy."
This series will consist of four free 90 minute webinars. Each session can be viewed independently of the others, but the series is designed to provide a stepwise introduction to mHealth technologies.
The series is presented by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) program, in collaboration with the Center for Learning Health Care at the Duke Clinical Research Institute.
Webinar 1 - What are the tools for collecting mHealth data?
A number of approaches exist today, outside of traditional clinical trials, to inexpensively gather primary data to answer critical questions for which secondary analysis of existing data is not ideal. Diffusion of these platforms within the HSR community has been limited. This session will demonstrate how useful HSR data can be collected quickly, reliably, and affordably using innovative new tools.
Date: September 10, 2012
Time: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm ET
Introduction to the Series: Amy Abernethy, MD & Bradford Hirsch, MD, MBA (Center for Learning Health Care, Duke Clinical Research Institute)
Moderator: Brad Hesse, PhD (NCI HCIRB),
Faculty: Joel Selanikio, MD (DataDyne) – EpiSurveyor; Amy Abernethy, MD (Duke) – Patient Reported Outcomes; Richard Garfein, PhD, MPH (UCSD) – Adherence Tools
Recording Coming Soon!
Webinar 2 - What are the logistical hurdles to using mHealth data in HSR?
Many in the HSR community have questions about the quality of primary data collection and the associated complexities of adoption. In this webinar, early adopters will discuss how they dealt with barriers and challenges, including practical impediments to using technology solutions, regulatory and IRB concerns, data security, and IT infrastructure.
Date: October 1, 2012
Time: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm ET
Moderator: Bradford Hirsch, MD MBA (Duke)
Faculty: Wendy Nilsen, PhD (NIH OBSSR) – Impediments to Uptake; Ethan Basch, MD (Memorial Sloan-Kettering) – Regulatory & IRB Concerns; Jason Goldwater, MPA (eHealth Initiative) – Data Security & IT Infrastructure
Webinar 3 - What can I do with the data?
While the first requirement to move the field forward is to adopt new tools with which to collect data, it is also important to consider novel ways to imagine, analyze, use and present the information being collected. This session will demonstrate practical strategies readily available to the health services researcher.
Date: November 5, 2012
Time: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm ET
Moderator: Lynn Etheredge (George Washington University)
Faculty: Bill Riley, PhD (NCI SRTB) – Data Analysis and Evaluation; Greg Samsa, PhD (Duke) – Dissemination & Rapid Learning Cycles; Ida Sim, MD, PhD (UCSF) – Practical Visualization Tools
Webinar 4 - How do I move from idea to evidence?
Following the initial sessions, a questionnaire will be circulated requesting real world examples of data needs that could be solved using mHealth solutions and potential projects from webinar participants. The content of this session will then be built around the participants’ interests to help envision the tools, overcome any potential regulatory hurdles, and outline a data analysis and dissemination plan.
Date: December 3, 2012
Time: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm ET
Commentator: Brian C. Quinn, Ph.D. (RWJF)
Faculty: Amy Abernethy, MD (Duke)