The HCFO program ended in December 2016.
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Do "Any Willing Provider" and "Freedom of Choice" Laws Affect HMO

Inquiry--December 2003
This study examines the effects of
“any willing provider” (AWP) and “freedom of choice” (FOC) laws on the market
share of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) in metropolitan statistical
areas over the period 1989–95. We use pooled cross-section time-series
regression techniques with year and state fixed effects. HMO market share is
hypothesized to be a function of state laws, market characteristics, and state
preference for managed care regulation. AWP and FOC laws are characterized by
three alternative measures of regulatory intensity. The results suggest that FOC
laws have a greater impact on market share than do AWP laws. More comprehensive
regulation has a bigger impact than less encompassing laws, and laws limiting
selective contracting with physicians are more effective in reducing HMO market
share than are laws covering hospitals or