Examining the Medicare Resource Use of Dually Eligible Medicaid Recipients

The Hilltop Institute, UMBC
January 30, 2010
Tucker, A., Johnson, K., Huang, Y., and T. Brewer

The report is the third in a series that explores the cross-payer effects of providing Medicaid long-term supports and services (LTSS) on Medicare acute care resource use. The report reflects an exploratory analysis of the relationships between Medicare and Medicaid resource use to address the question: Does providing Medicaid LTSS influence dually eligible Medicaid recipients’ use of Medicare resources and, if so, how and to what extent? Report results suggest two general aspects of these effects: (1) Medicaid LTSS provided in the community are associated with an increase in the number of Medicare services used with no, or limited, additional Medicare costs overall, and (2) Medicaid institutional supports offset Medicare resource use overall. The report also highlights analytic methods used, including propensity score matching techniques.

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