The HCFO program ended in December 2016.
This site will no longer be updated, and some elements may not appear correctly.
- by Lyles A, Weiner J, Shore A, Christianson J, Solberg L, and Drury P
- in Grantee Publication by Conover, C.J., Rankin, P.J., and F.A. Sloan
- in Grantee Publication by Hall, M.
- in Grantee Publication by Bazzoli, G.J.
- Tax Credits, The Distribution of Subsidized Health Insurance Premiums, and the Uninsured Septemeber 2001in Grantee Publication by Pauly, M.V., Song, D., and B. Herring
- in Grantee Publication by Meyer, M.H.
- in Grantee Publication by Ferris, T.G., Perrin, J.M., Manganello, J.A., Chang, Y., Causino, N., and Blumenthal, D.
Gatekeeping has been a central strategy in the cost-containment initiatives of managed care organizations. Little empirical research describes the impact of switching into a gatekeeping plan on health care expenditures and utilization for children.
- in Grantee Publication by Dubay, L., Joyce, T., Kaestner, R., and G.M. Kenney
- by Schultz J, Call K, Feldman R, and Christianson J