
Regional PPOs in Medicare: What Are The Prospects?

February 1, 2007

One of several new types of Medicare health plans that became available for the first time in 2006, regional Medicare preferred provider organizations (PPOs) promised to import the successful commercial PPO model to the Medicare market. Policymakers anticipated that regional PPOs could provide access to comprehensive coverage (including for prescription drugs) at affordable costs to all Medicare beneficiaries. This Findings Brief summarizes recent research and experience related to regional Medicare PPOs and assesses the prospects for this type of health plan in the near future.


Health-Based Risk Assessment: Risk-Adjusted Payments and Beyond

January 1, 2004

A number of payers across the country, including Medicaid managed care programs, the Medicare+Choice program, some state employee programs, and a few private purchasing cooperatives, have adjusted their payments based on health status. Researchers generally agree that most health-based risk assessment tools, which are used to determine how much a payment should be adjusted, provide comparable levels of predictability, and a variety of tools are in use today.

Financing End-of-Life Care Challenges for An Aging Population

February 1, 2003

More than 2 million people die each year in the United States. Yet, surprisingly, end-oflife health care delivery and financing mechanisms are largely patchwork and little understood by most Americans. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) Initiative and Last Acts® Campaign co-sponsored a conference that brought together private and public policymakers, researchers, and providers to bring the complex issues associated with end-of-life care to the forefront of the health care agenda.

Purchasing Pathfinders

May 1999

Under its Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization initiative (HCFO), The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has supported several projects that have examined the activities of public and private purchasing innovators and sought to assess their impact and potential.

Financing End-of-Life Care

February 2003
Austin, B.J. and L.K. Fleisher

Will the United States Have a Shortage of Physicians in 10 Years?

November 2009
Nicholson, S.

Will there be a physician shortage, and if so, should the government act now to expand medical school capacity and encourage hospitals to train more residents? This paper by Sean Nicholson, Ph.D., was commissioned for the RWJF/HCFO 2009 Policy Reform: Implications of the Supply and Organization of the Delivery System on Health Care Reform work group.

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