HCFO Brief on Health Care Costs and Growth Highlighted in a January 10 The Mercury Article

Publication Date: 
January 10, 2010

The HCFO policy brief, “Geographic Variation in Health Care Cost Growth: Research to Inform a Complex Diagnosis” was highlighted in the January 10 The Mercury article, “How to Bend the Cost Curve of Health Care.” The article summarizes the cost drivers and potential policy levers to reduce health care costs that were presented in the brief.


HCFO Brief Featured by RWJF Cover the Uninsured Project

Publication Date: 
January 1, 2010

Welcome to the New HCFO Web site!

Publication Date: 
November 18, 2009

Welcome to the new HCFO web site! Over the next few weeks, HCFO staff will be making slight adjustments to the new site; therefore, you may notice small changes as you browse the site. If you come across any broken links or experience any problems with the site, please contact HCFO at hcfo@academyhealth.org.


HCFO Staffing Update

Publication Date: 
July 17, 2009

Sharon Arnold, program director for the HCFO Initiative, leaves AcademyHealth and HCFO on July 17 to become a senior advisor in the Office of Legislation at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. “I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with so many fine researchers to help contribute to the important body of research on health care financing and organization of care that HCFO has produced,” Arnold says. Bonnie Austin, the HCFO deputy director, will lead the program in the interim until the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation appoints a new director. 

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