RWJF Releases

RWJF Content Alert - Journal Articles Focus on Medical Loss Ratios and High-Deductible Health Plans

Publication Date: 
March 25, 2011

Journal Articles Focus on Medical Loss Ratios and High-Deductible Health Plans

Peer-reviewed studies published this month in the March issue of American Journal of Managed Care look at aspects of what Americans receive for their health care dollars. 

RWJF Content Alert - Improving Health, Health Care and the Value of Health Care Dollars

Publication Date: 
November 3, 2010

The current issue of Health Affairs features articles on a wide range of topics that are central to the Foundation’s mission, including designing health insurance to improve value, improving clinical outcomes and examining the role of public health in our health system. Four articles that appear in the journal’s current issue were supported by a variety of teams and portfolios at RWJF and reflect the wide variety of research the Foundation supports.

RWJF Content Alert - How Do Coverage Expansions Effect Families' Well-Being?

Publication Date: 
August 24, 2010

New Report Examines the Overall Impact of CHIP on Low-Income Families’ Consumption and Household Spending

Back in 2008, “crowd-out” was a focal point of the debate over reauthorization of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Yet the criticisms of crowd-out may have overshadowed a more fundamental question about the impact of increased public coverage—how the program has affected families’ overall well-being.

RWJF Content Alert - How Do Cuts in Medicare Reimbursement Affect Care?

Publication Date: 
June 17, 2010

New Study Examines the Impact of the Medicare Modernization Act on Access to Cancer Chemotherapy Treatment

When the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) mandated substantial reductions in payment rates for outpatient chemotherapy drugs in January 2005, many feared that the reductions would lead to a significant loss in access to quality treatment.

RWJF Content Alert - Simplifying Medical Billing Could Lead to Big Savings

Publication Date: 
April 29, 2010

Simplifying Medical Billing Could Lead to Big Savings

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