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Presentations: When Public Payment Declines, Does Cost-Shifting Occur? Hospital and Physician Responses

Sponsored by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation under its Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) initiative and conducted by AcademyHealth
November 13, 2002 - Wyndham Washington, Washington, D.C.
Session I - Economic Theory and Research Evidence: What do They Say?
Hospital and Physician Cost-Shifting: A Conceptual Framework
Paul Ginsburg, Ph.D., Center for Studying Health System Change
What Happens When Medicare Payments Change? Putting Medicare in Perspective
Stuart Guterman, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Cost-Shifting: An Integral Aspect of U.S. Health Care Finance
Allen Dobson, Ph.D., The Lewin Group
Michael Morrisey, Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham
Economic Theory and Evidence on Cost Shifting: Hospital and Physician Responses
Thomas McGuire, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School
Session II - Bringing Practice to Policy: Effects of Reductions in Public Payments
The Impact of Changing Payment Levels on Providers
Richard Showalter, Jr., Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
When Public Payment Declines Does Cost-Shifting Occur? Hospital and Physician Responses
Donald Fisher, Ph.D., American Medical Group Association
When Public Payment Declines Does Cost-Shifting Occur? The California Experience
Joan Trauner, Ph.D., Independent Consultant
Maryland Medicaid Program: Cost-Shifting Among Payers
Debbie Chang, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- Overview
- Presentation Slides
- Agenda
- Goal Statement
- Kaiser Webcast