Grantee Publication

Differences in the Volume of Services and In Prices Drive Big Variations in Medicaid Spending Among U.S. States and Regions

Health Affairs
Vol. 30, No. 7
July 2011
Gilmer, T.P. and Kronick, R.G.
pp. 1316-1324

It is well known that Medicaid spending per beneficiary varies widely across states. However, less is known about the cause of this variation, or about whether increased spending is associated with better outcomes. In this article we describe and analyze sources of interstate variation in Medicaid spending over several years. We find substantial variations both in the volume of services and in prices.

Journal Article: The Individual and Program Impacts of Eliminating Medicaid Dental Benefits in the Oregon Health Plan

American Journal of Public Health
Vol. 101, No. 11
June 16, 2011
Wallace, N.T. et al.
pp. 2140-2150

Objectives. We determined how elimination of dental benefits among adult Medicaid beneficiaries in Oregon affected their access to dental care, Medicaid expenditures, and use of medical settings for dental services.

Methods. We used a natural experimental design using Medicaid claims data (n=22833) before and after Medicaid dental benefits were eliminated in Oregon in 2003 and survey data for continuously enrolled Oregon Health Plan enrollees (n=718) covering 3 years after benefit cuts.

Association Between Ambulance Diversion and Survival Among Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

Vol. 305, No. 23
June 12, 2011
Shen, Y. and R. Hsia
pp. 2440-2447

Context Ambulance diversion, a practice in which emergency departments (EDs) are temporarily closed to ambulance traffic, might be problematic for patients experiencing time-sensitive conditions, such as acute myocardial infarction (AMI). However, there is little empirical evidence to show whether diversion is associated with worse patient outcomes.

Medical Spending and the Health of the Elderly

Health Services Research
Vol. 46, No. 5
Hadley, J. et al.
pp. 1333-1361

To estimate the relationship between variations in medical spending and health outcomes of the elderly.

Data Sources: 1992–2002 Medicare Current Beneficiary Surveys.

Journal Article: Does Medication Adherence Lower Medicare Spending among Beneficiaries with Diabetes?

Health Services Research
Vol. 46, No. 4
July 2011
Stuart, B. et al.
pp. 1180-1199

 To measure 3-year medication possession ratios (MPRs) for renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) inhibitors and statins for Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes, and to assess whether better adherence is associated with lower spending on traditional Medicare services controlling for biases common to previous adherence studies. 

Data Source: Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey data from 1997 to 2005.

Study Design: Longitudinal study of RAAS-inhibitor and statin utilization over 3 years.

Factors Associated With Closures of Emergency Departments in the United States

Vol. 305, No. 19
May 18, 2011
Hsia, R.Y., Kellerman, A.L. and Shen, Y.
pp. 1978-1985

Context: Between 1998 and 2008, the number of hospital-based emergency departments (EDs) in the United States declined, while the number of ED visits increased, particularly visits by patients who were publicly insured and uninsured. Little is known about the hospital, community, and market factors associated with ED closures. Federal law requiring EDs to treat all in need regardless of a patient's ability to pay may make EDs more vulnerable to the market forces that govern US health care.

Resource Allocation in Public Health Practice: A National Survey of Local Public Health Officials

Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
Vol. 17, Issue 3
April 2011
Baum, N.M. et al.
pp. 265-274

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to gain an empirical understanding of the types of allocation decisions local health officials (LHOs) make and the factors that influence those allocation decisions.

Design: We conducted a national survey of LHOs in the United States in 2008 to 2009. The sample was stratified by the size of the population served by the department. We merged our data with data from the 2008 National Association of County and City Health Officials Profile survey. Descriptive statistics were generated using weighted data.

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