Grantees in the News

HCFO Findings Highlighted in January 5 Boston Globe Article on Assisted Living

Publication Date: 
January 5, 2010

Findings from a HCFO study led by David C. Grabowski, Ph.D., professor at Harvard Medical School, were highlighted in the January 5 Boston Globe article, “Mass. Lags on Homes for Assisted Living.” The article discusses reasons behind and consequences of the relative lack of assisted living facilities in the state of Massachusetts.

HCFO Findings Highlighted in January 11 BusinessWeek Article on Antipsychotics Use in Nursing Homes

Publication Date: 
January 11, 2010

Findings from a HCFO study led by Becky Briesacher, Ph.D., associate professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, were highlighted in the January 11 BusinessWeek article, “Antipsychotics Still Widely Used in U.S. Nursing Homes.” The article discusses the use of antipsychotics in nursing homes.

HCFO Grantee Quoted in the November 28 Press & Sun-Bulletin Article on Geographic Variation in Health Costs

Publication Date: 
November 28, 2009

Stephen Zuckerman, Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Urban Institute, was quoted in the November 28 Press & Sun-Bulletin article, “Senate Debate to Address Inequality in Medicare Costs.” The article examines geographic variation in health care costs.

HCFO Findings Were Highlighted in the December 3 DHHS Fact Sheet on Health Insurance Reform

Publication Date: 
December 3, 2009

Findings from a study led by Lawrence Casalino, M.D., Ph.D., chief of the Division of Outcomes and Effectiveness Research at Weill Cornell Medical College and formerly of the University of Chicago, were highlighted in the December 3 Department of Health & Human Services Fact Sheet, “New CBO Analysis Confirms Benefits of Health Insurance Reform for Businesses.” Casalino and colleagues conducted a national survey of physician practices across the United States regarding time spent by practice staff on admin

HCFO Grantee Quoted in the December 4 RWJF Article "Spotlight on Consumer Choice"

Publication Date: 
December 4, 2009

Jessie Gruman, Ph.D., president of the Center for Advancing Health, was quoted in the December 4 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation article, “Spotlight on Consumer Choice.” The article discusses consumer choice, the availability and use of information for decision-making, and increased choice in the proposed health reform bills. Gruman states, “Being a patient in the United States is like being drop-kicked in a foreign country.

Two HCFO Grantees' Publications Were Nominated by RWJF for the RWJF Year in Research. Vote Today!

Publication Date: 
December 8, 2009

At the end of each year, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation selects and posts a number of influential RWJF-funded research articles. This year, the Foundation has nominated 21 articles, two of which were supported by HCFO. The Foundation invites you to help choose the five articles that had major policy impact, affected the field’s work and thinking, or stood out in some other way. Voting ends December 23. Vote today!

HCFO Grantee's Findings Featured in Multiple Blog Posts

Publication Date: 
October 15, 2009

Findings from a HCFO study led by Steven D. Pizer, Ph.D., health economist at the Boston VA Research Institute, were featured in multiple blog posts listed below. Pizer and colleagues, Austin Frakt, Ph.D., and Roger Feldman, Ph.D., are measuring the effects of payment changes on PFFS plan decisions regarding market entry, benefit design, and premiums and then analyzing the effects of changes in benefits and premiums on enrollment.


Press Release Highlights a HCFO Study Examining the Economic Impact of Adverse Health Events on the Near Elderly

Publication Date: 
October 15, 2009

Findings from a HCFO study led by David Dranove, Ph.D., professor at Northwestern University, were highlighted in the October 15 Kellogg School of Management press release, “The Effects of Health on Wealth.” Dranove examined how insurance status affects personal wealth and earnings in the population nearing age 65 that have a heightened probability of adverse health events but have not yet qualified for Medicare. 

Press Release Highlights a HCFO Study Examining Health Risk Appraisals (HRAs)

Publication Date: 
October 27, 2009

Findings from a HCFO study led by Meredith Rosenthal, Ph.D., associate professor at Harvard School of Public Health, were highlighted in the October 27 Business Wire press release, “Harvard Professors Say Health Assessments Can Positively Influence Some People’s Health Behavior, Especially When Linked to Health Coaching and Other Programs.” Rosenthal and colleagues examined the potential role of HRAs as a tool for managing health care quality and costs in employer-spon

HCFO Grantee’s Findings Highlighted in a Wall Street Journal Article on Public Reporting

Publication Date: 
October 27, 2009

Findings from a HCFO study led by Judith H. Hibbard, Dr.P.H., professor at the University of Oregon, were highlighted in the October 27 Wall Street Journal article, “Compare and Contrast.” The article discusses public reporting of medical group performance data in the state of Minnesota.

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